Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The magic of music

At the moment, I would like to learn about how to convert my old records into a format that I may listen to. I have this wonderful collection of the 9 symphonies by Ludwig von Beethoven, and would like to get these converted into CD format. I am also doing research into what MP3 player will give the best quality for the price. Of all the audio formats that are out there, it seems that this format takes up less space (according to smartcomputing.com, 1/12 the space of its' "Original CD form"), and is much easier to work with. After all, through life is an adventure...and needs a good soundtrack. Just some random thoughts for the day.

Source quoted: http://www.smartcomputing.com/Editorial/daily/dailycontent.asp?guid=48E7947DACB646E5B8CE4E5A67E78B71&did=2900612

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