Sunday, August 10, 2008

Discoveries from YouTube

There are a number of sites that offer video clips and the possiblity to share them with others. The most famous, of course, is YouTube. You can find videos on a myriad of topics, from the artistic to the truly odd. I was in more in the artisitic mood today, and found two very relaxing videos to share with you (not too long I promise). One is a video of a harp player in the Barrio Gotico in Barcelona. If you need a mini-vacation/stress relief, this is a good start:

In addition, there is a video of the Day of San Jordi, where all of the sidewalks of the main throughfares in the city are lined with stalls of booksellers and flower arrangers. It is tradition that on that day you present your loved ones with a rose and a book. Although the narration is in Spanish, it is still pretty neat to view:

Flowers and books...what a wonderful combination! Have a wonderful week everyone.

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